How Every Member of Staff Shapes Life at The Downs
At The Downs, we believe that it truly takes a village to raise a child, and I’m proud that every single member of staff contributes to the education and development of our pupils. Too often, it’s the form tutors who get the recognition, but it’s important to me that everyone knows the vital role they play in shaping the lives of our children.
Take our kitchen staff, for example. One of them has formed a special bond with a Pre-Prep child, and every day without fail, they share a joke. It’s a small moment, but those interactions help create the warm, nurturing environment we strive for. Or consider our grounds team—one of whom has taken up metal detecting with a pupil during lunch. These afternoons spent finding treasure help foster curiosity and build meaningful relationships outside the classroom.
Even our Bursar is deeply involved with the children. He sings with Reception pupils and teaches Year 8 about money matters. These connections often go unnoticed, but they are integral to the tapestry of school life here.
I recently spoke to the children in assembly about how every member of staff is invested in their education. Our groundskeepers, teaching assistants, admin team, and kitchen staff—everyone plays a part in helping each child thrive. The diversity of skill sets within our staff enriches the experience we offer. We draw on everyone’s talents, and our pupils are all the better for it.
At The Downs, all our pupils are known to the staff, and there’s a strong sense of community between year groups. They mix at lunch, sitting with different members of staff and with children from other year groups, which helps them build relationships across the school.
This is a place where no child is invisible.
One of our core values is the triangle of care between home, school, and the pupil. We take a holistic approach to understanding each child; recognising that education goes beyond the classroom walls. It is this collective effort—the entire “village”— that helps every child explore, express, and excel here at The Downs.