The Downs Preparatory School Logo
Aerial of school grounds green space playing fields

Our Alumni

Welcome to our new Alumni page, a place of nostalgia and memories. Our aim is to help our Alumni group stay connected, fostering the bonds that were forged within the school walls. This is a newly formed group, and we're working hard to build our Alumni database, if you know other Alumni please spread the news!


Stay connected

Join our Meta Group

We've created an Alumni group connected to our school page on Meta. We invite you to join our community of former students where in time we'll share a treasure trove of stories, achievements, updates from fellow alumni and news from the school.

Join our group
Untitled design

Let's celebrate!

Alumni events

We don't currently have a date for our next Alumni event, but if you'd like to be kept up to date with any upcoming events or invited to wider Downs Prep School events, please complete the form below.

back lawn celebration day

Sign up to receive Alumni updates

Full Name

Take a trip down memory lane A journey through time

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Cubs at The Downs c.1950-1980

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Downs Rugby c.1970-1980


Nativity c. 1990s

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Girls athletics team c.1990


The choir at york minster c.1980-1990

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Girls hockey team c.1990s

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The school play c.1990s

Twiglet Excel

Building the archives

Be a part of history

We'd love you to help create a 'Memory Wall' at our new school museum being curated by master historian Robert Ayres. If you have fond memories of your time at the Downs, please complete our form and we'll include it in the Memory Wall - this will be available to view at our Alumni event in June.

Complete form
Prep school history lesson 2