The Downs Preparatory School Logo

Forest school

Is there anything better than making dens and fairy gardens or toasting marshmallows over a crackling fire? For kids, we’re not sure you can top that.

Forest School

Forest school

Connecting with nature

Time spent in nature, exploring what it means to be part of the natural world is a powerful way for children to learn. From Reception to Year 3 children have a dedicated session each half term with a specialist Forest School leader.

Forest school exploring

Set in 60 acres

Our own haven

We are lucky to have our own magical Forest School space where we can set up nature crafts, cook over fires and have the freedom and space to play, and play, and play!

Forest school campfire
Nik Nak Explore 3

Outdoor learning

Lessons from the landscape

Children learn differently outside. Aside from gaining an understanding and respect for the environment, there’s a certain respect that outdoor learning fosters toward each other. We see compassion, empathy as well as confidence and resilience shining through in this setting.

Forest School 33